Ayles Fernie
Ayles Fernie International is a world leader in the design and manufacture of marine and aircraft oil dispersant spray systems. The company supplies systems to a large variety of customers world wide including oil companies, oil spill control responders, shipyards, ship operators, ports & harbours and many more. Ayles Fernie is at the forefront in the design and development of new dispersant application equipment and the new AFEDO nozzle typifies the inventiveness and market orientation of this modern business. The company operates under an ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
Boatspray Portable Diesel-Powered Dispersant Spray System
Boatspray is a range of portable, diesel-powered dispersant spray systems for operation from tugs, supply vessels and workboats. The systems are designed for the application of diluted or concentrated dispersant from conventional spray arms, hand lances or the new alternative to spray arms – the AFEDO nozzle. Boatspray is available in two models; the Boatspray 50 which is designed for small vessels operating in-shore and the Boatspray 100 which is a larger unit for operation from larger offshore vessels.
Twinspray Dispersant Spray System with AFEDO Nozzles
This system is designed for the application of diluted or concentrated dispersant using AFEDO nozzles. AFEDO nozzles are an alternative to dipersant spray arms and provide a more flexible and compact system for the application of dipersant from vessels. AFEDO nozzles create an even drop-out spray pattern some 10-15m in length on either side of the vessel – known as Twinspray when used with Boatspray portable diesel pump units. Available in three different sizes.