Floorsorb is a general purpose floorsweep which absorbs oils, fuels, coolants, degreaser, mild acids and caustics, paints, solvents and most mild water-based chemicals.
Floorsorb is ideal to use on hard surfaces wherever coolant, paint, oils, fuels, mild chemicals and general liquids are stored, handled and spilled.
General purpose floorsweep 12L:
- Ideal for chemical processing plants, paint and panel shops, chemical storage and handling facilities, transport warehouses, food and beverage processing plants, printing and automotive workshops.
- Floorsorb is ideal for placing on and around a spill to solidify and absorb.
Floorsorb general purpose floorsweep cleans up most acids, bases, paints, solvents, hydrocarbons inks, dyes and aggressive water-based liquids on contact.
Floorsorb is able to absorb up to two times its own weight in liquid and three times more oil than expanded clay products (weight for weight).
Floorsorb is made from 100% recycled and renewable resource.
It’s high absorbency to weight ratio equals lower transport and disposal costs.
Floorsorb is non-allergenic and non-hazardous with no dust.
Fast wicking action allows quick clean up, reduces potential slip hazards and improves safety in the workplace.
- Floorsorb is clean and non-abrasive – leaves no residue or grit.
- Floorsorb pellets feature inherent moisture and odour absorbing properties.
Floorsorb absorbent floorsweep is available in this small 12L / 3kg bag or a larger 30L / 7kg bag.
Australian Made