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Marine dispersant concentrate – Finasol OSR

In Part Number: FINASOL

Finasol OSR concentrated marine dispersant is considered to be among the best on the market, offering exceptional eco-toxicological performance.


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In the event of an oil spill at sea, possible responses include mechanical recovery, in-situ burning, or the use of marine dispersant. The use of marine dispersant helps drive off the oil slick, which in turn protects vulnerable bird habitats and wildlife species on the coastline. They break down hydrocarbon pollutants into microscopic droplets, enabling a faster biodegradation process.


Finasol 51 and Finasol 52 dispersants are manufactured by Total from France. We are the distributor of Total’s range of oil dispersants for use in Australia.


Finasol products are concentrated dispersants referred to as third generation dispersants. Finasol 51 and Finasol 52 are extremely high grade marine dispersants that can be quickly and easily applied to combat oil spills in environments where temperature ranges and salinity vary


Total’s Finasol OSR concentrated marine dispersant has been designed to minimise the environmental impact of oil spills on water and is considered to be among the benchmark product on the market.


  • Finasol OSR 52 provides rapid and effective response and also sets the benchmark as being the first product on the market to comply with all three major international regulations – EPA* (USA), MMO** (UK), and CEDRE*** (France). Finasol OSR 52 is also registered in a vast number of countries around the world.
  • Finasol OSR 51 is compliant with MMO** (UK) and CEDRE*** (France) international regulations.


What is a marine dispersant and how does it work?

A marine dispersant is designed to reduce the surface tension between hydrocarbons and the water and break the oil slick down into tiny droplets. Using wave movement to to facilitate their dilution, the hydrocarbon particles eventually biodegrade via the microorganisms which exist naturally in seawater. These microorganisms turn the oil into water and carbon dioxide.


Functions of dispersants, Total Fluide


The specific active ingredients of Finasol OSR deliver high dispersion potential, demonstrated by successful registration tests on a variety of crude oils.


Finasol OSR 52 minor toxicity on marine species


Environmental impact evaluation is a key part of national authorities’ registration processes and this includes biodegradability and eco-toxicity tests on marine eco-systems. Such criteria, together with TOTAL’s sustainable development policies, have been key drivers in the selection of solvents and surfactants used to develop Finasol OSR concentrated marine dispersant.





* EPA (USA) – Environmental Protection Agency    ** MMO (UK) – Marine Management Organization    *** CEDRE (France) – Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d’Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux

Finasol OSR marine dispersant can be used pure or diluted at 10% in seawater (references of the profession: MMO type II and III).


Finasol OSR 52 provides rapid and effective response and also sets the benchmark as being the first product on the market to comply with all three major international regulations – EPA* (USA), MMO** (UK), and CEDRE*** (France).


Finasol OSR 51 is compliant with MMO** (UK) and CEDRE*** (France) international regulations.


* EPA (USA) – Environmental Protection Agency
** MMO (UK) – Marine Management Organization
*** CEDRE (France) – Centre de Documentation, de Recherche et d’Expérimentations sur les Pollutions Accidentelles des Eaux

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