This mercury spill kit is designed for hospitals, laboratories, schools, workshops, warehouses, factories, chemical plants – wherever a small amount of mercury is stored, handled and potentially spilled.
Mercury facts:
Elemental mercury is a heavy silvery-white metal which is liquid at normal temperatures. Mercury will vaporise at normal room temperature. This in turn creates a risk of mercury exposure through inhalation. The risk increases as the temperature increases. This is one of the key reasons it’s important to clean up this type of spill immediately.
This spill kit contains MercAmal mercury amalgamation powder that when mixed with water, converts elemental (metallic) mercury into a stable, solid zinc amalgam and prevents the release of hazardous vapours.
- Instructions on how to clean up a mercury spill are included.
- This spill kit also contains safety gear such as gloves, goggles and boot covers to keep personnel safe.
- Spill kit includes label and mercury spill kit operating instructions.
- This spill kit with MercAmal is supplied in a 10 litre white pail with snap-on lid.
- MercAmal mercury amalgamation powder is available for separate purchase in a 500g shaker bottle
Spill kits are available in an extensive range of sizes and types to ensure a fit for purpose spill kit is on hand to help minimise risk and meet environmental obligations. View our full range of laboratory & healthcare spill kits.