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Prohibition sign – no smoking on premises within 4m

In / Part Number: N/A

This prohibition sign features the text NO SMOKING ON THIS PREMISES AND WITHIN 4 METRES OF ENTRANCE in large letters below a large pictogram. Select the sign size and material you require from the drop down menu above.

A prohibition sign is used to indicate an action or activity that is not permitted. This no smoking premises sign features the text no smoking on this premises and within 4 metres of entrance | penalties may apply | tobacco act 1987 in large letters below the no smoking red annulus symbol. Select the sign size and material you require from the drop down menu above.


A prohibition sign has a white background with a symbolic shape comprising the red annulus and slash symbol. The sign may include black wording beneath the graphic, together with a black pictogram placed behind the red symbol. Global Spill Control prohibition signs are manufactured to the requirements of Australian Standards – AS1319-1994.


This no smoking premises sign is available in various different materials:

  • Metal
  • Poly
  • Corflute
  • Self-adhesive labels

Ensure you select the correct prohibition sign size to suit your site requirements: Safety sign size guide

Prohibition safety signs are manufactured according to AS1319-1994.

Signs available in the following materials:

  • Metal
  • Poly
  • Corflute
  • Self-adhesive labels

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